Our Enviro Group

Here is our keen Student and Teacher Enviro Group.
Year 1 - Esther and Ben Room 3
Year 2 - Louisa Room 7 and Isabella Room 6
Year 3 - Danielle Room 24
Year 4 - Alfie Room 12 and Zara Room 15
Year 5/6 - Austin and Kiki Room 28
Lauren, Reuben and You Bin Room 19
Amelia Room 20 and Britta Room 22
Year 7 - Siaun Room 32, Scottie Room 30 and Petra Room 33
Teachers - Miss Reid, Mrs Walker, Mrs Gray and Miss McIntyre

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Trip to the Birdlife Park

Kowhai and native fuscia plants
Kereru or Wood Pigeon

On Wednesday of Week 10 the Enviro Group visited the Birdlife Park during their lunchtime. We spoke to Marion about plants that will attract more birds to our school.
We learned that Kowhai, native Fuscia and Flax trees are good for providing nectar for the Tui's and Bellbird's. The bees and butterflies like the nectar too.
We could have bird feeders with sugar and water in them to encourage more birds.
Our predators are Mo (who might try to catch the birds while they feed) and rats and possums. Falcon's and hawk's are predators too and we were able to look at in a falcon in the Birdlife Park. They can eat small birds.
Thanks to Marion we are better informed and can plan an area in our school to attract birds. We have been invited to revisit the Birdlife Park and use their super knowledge again to help us with our planting.